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Intuit Alert

There are a few changes at Intuit affecting the distribution of certain products. These changes affect Canada only. They do not affect US or UK. Intuit has discontinued 5 products: QuickBooks Point-of-Sale; QuickBooks Enterprise; QuickBooks Premier: Non-Profit & Associations; QuickBooks Premier: Professional Services; QuickBooks Premier: Wholesale & Manufacturing.

I was disappointed to hear that these products were being discontinued, particularly QuickBooks Enterprise and QuickBooks Point-of-Sale. I’ve worked with both these products and both were very good. Not all was lost, however, with the discontinuation of these products.

Just recently I had a client that was dead-set on acquiring QuickBooks Enterprise as this is their only solution for the interim until their software developers finish writing their proprietary application. They had outgrown the Premier. Intuit had stopped shipping and production of the product and it was virtually impossible to get a copy. So I had reached out to my fellow ProAdvisors in hopes that I could get a licensed copy. I had received overwhelming responses and even resolve to my dilemma.

I would like to thank all my colleagues for their help. This situation has proven to me that the QuickBooks ProAdvisor community is comprised of professionals that conduct themselves with integrity and compassion.

I look forward to helping new and existing businesses grow by providing continuing support as well as providing expanded services in the future along with my colleagues.



Importance of regular back ups

A major potential problem area must be addressed here. Smart computer users back-up their important disks. There are just too many things that can happen to a disk (even a hard disk) -- it can be inadvertently erased by a magnet, damaged by static electricity from a television ( or the rug!), or by an electrical surge during a storm or when the lines are being worked on-it can be "double exposed" new data written on top of old).

The FIRST thing to do with disks that have important data on them is to DUPLICATE them. The process only takes a minute and the cost of a back-up disk is minimal. vis-IT Inc. provides different types of back-up solutions and products.

Our technical associates are able to aquire and install the right type of back up drive as well as offer automatic back up solutions. There are many back up software offered, that is very affordable and easy-to-use, and will automate the back up process with minimal amount of administration.

For your accounting data, Intuit provides an off-site back up service. The advantages to this is that your company has automatic, worry-free back-up, should your office become a victim of a fire or other disaster.

If you do nothing else for your business PLEASE do yourself a favour and back up your data. For more details on products and services for your back up solution, contact vis-IT Inc. and a Technical Service professional will be happy to advise.

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